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Gone are the days when therapists would take months to remove a fear with little success. 

The high powered NLP can permanently remove your fear in minutes. NLP can even eliminate the fear of a group in no time.

Come, remove your darkest fears without even disclosing them.



Speaker Dr. Shk. Abbas Merchant


10.00 AM - 2:00 PM, Saturday , 8th Feb 2020

At Hizbul Iman Trust Office , S-2, 2nd floor, Saadah Tower, Next to Raudat Tahera, Mumbai - 3


Fees Rs. 600/- per person (includes refreshments)


Fear is something that the mind learns in a fraction of a second.

For example you enter a dark room and something falls on you. You suddenly get very scared. Your mind has now learnt the fear of darkness.


NLP says that if your mind has learnt something in a fraction of a second it can also can unlearn it in a fraction of a second.


In the olden days therapists used to try removing fear with the help of counselling. It was a very long drawn process and it would take days or even months of counselling before you could even see any progress. NLP has made this process very short and easy. With the help of NLP we can remove a fear of a group of any number of people in a matter of minutes. The best part about the therapy of NLP is that you need not even disclose what is your fear. NLP can remove your fear even without knowing what is your fear. Any kind of fear can be removed with the help of NLP.


Typical fears that people face are :

Fear of Heights, Fear of Lifts, Fear of Water, Fear of Stage, Fear of losing beloveds, Fear of losing reputation, Fear of rejection, Fear of Bankruptcy, Fear of Failure, Fear of Insects, Fear of Animals, Fear of Opposite Sex. Fear of Income Tax, Fear of Performance etc. etc.

The list is endless.


Dr. Shk. Abbas Merchant

An MBA from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, a post graduate in commerce, a Law graduate, a Master Practitioner of NLP, a Doctor of NLP, a Psychotherapist & Certified by University Grants Commission to teach at all colleges across India at the Masters level.


He can increase any company's business with a money back guarantee.

He has helped quite a few companies with Recruitment, Training, Administration, Inventory control, Marketing Strategy, Advertising Strategy, Sales Strategy, Finance Management, Systems Management & Operations Management.


 He specializes in making the Human mind tick. Therefore the fields he covers are vast. He can remove your fears, develop your confidence, improve your memory, improve your concentration, develop your public speaking, eliminate your depression, relieve your stress, help you become a better businessman, help you become universally likeable etc. etc. The list is endless. In short he can help you with any habit you want to either develop or eliminate. 


He has 30 years of experience in the field of business consultancy & training having handled various levels of audiences like Presidents, CEO's, Managers, Officers, Sales People etc...


Some of his training programs are on :

Team building







Achieving Peak Performance 


Personality Development

Training the trainers etc.


His clients list includes :

Crompton Greaves Ltd

Sun Pharma Ltd



Futures Group which includes Big Bazaar, Pantaloons etc.



Setco chemicals Ltd

Neo Spectra Ltd

Everest Paper Products Ltd 



He has trained more than 10,000 people in various fields including Sales. 

He has conducted programs in many countries across the world.

He is also into education where he converts children into geniuses with his programs. Some of his programs worth mentioning are where children can see blind folded. These children can even move coins with the help of their brainpower without physically touching them. He is an expert in Handwriting Analysis. From one handwritten page of A4 size he can analyze upto 100 traits about the writer.

Are your fears stopping your Progress?

Do you feel scared to do somethings like meeting new people or talking to people of the opposite sex?

Are you uncomfortable doing something for the first time?

All these are fears that are coming in your way towards success.

Good news is that now you can remove all your fears instantly and permanently.

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